
32% of millennials would break up with their significant other for a $37,000 raise

Nearly a third of millennials would end a relationship for a raise
Nearly a third of millennials would end a relationship for a raise

Millennials recently made headlines once again, this time for their contributions to a decreasing American divorce rate. University of Maryland sociology professor Philip Cohen released analysis that indicated that economic pressures were forcing the generation to hold off on marriage until they were financially secure, which in turn was leading to lower rates of divorce.

But these same pressures may also be causing millennials to re-evaluate their relationships and their careers entirely. Taking on piles of student debt, living at home and forgoing getting a place of their own are just a few of the ways the millennial generation is making ends meet.

When financial services company Comet surveyed 364 single employed millennials without children, they found that relationships were another area 20- to 36-year-olds were willing to cut back. In fact, 41 percent said they would end a relationship for a promotion.

Millennials are so focused on career advancement, that respondents admitted they'd be willing to stay single for 11 years, delay marriage for seven years and put off having kids for eight — if it meant getting ahead at work. 

They are willing to compromise for love in some cases: A whopping 86 percent of respondents also said they would move to another city if their beloved was offered a better job.

When it comes to getting a raise, this group was willing to sacrifice. Almost a third said they would end a relationship for a raise. These workers on average said that a $36,000 raise would convince them to put off having a relationship.

However, convincing them to put off getting married and having kids is significantly more expensive. Respondents said an average raise of $64,000 would be enough to postpone getting hitched, and $67,000 would be enough to delay starting a family.

But it's not just millennials who are desperate for a raise. Workers of all ages are quitting their jobs at the highest rate since 2001 in order to get a pay increase.

According to Brian Kropp, vice president at research firm Gartner, the average increase in compensation for a worker who quits their old job for a new one is about 15 percent. "You're never going to get that 15 percent [increase] by staying at your current job," he tells CNBC Make It. "That's just not going to happen."

This is an updated version of a story that appeared previously.

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